What causes teeth sensitivity after dental treatment?

An emergency dentist  explains the causes of tooth sensitivity after restoration and root canal therapy. At the time of tooth decay treatment, the tooth is alive and has vascular and nerve. Mechanical damage may occur to the living tissue of the tooth. The process of treatment, like healing a wound, takes time. In rare cases, the injury may be so severe that the living tissue of the tooth cannot cope with the injury and not heal or the condition is in a way that the tooth will lose its blood supply and the nerve become infected and die in the general term. In this case, the infection can spread to the bone area around the root of the tooth in the jaw, and even if there is no sign, the tooth needs root canal treatment.

Another reason for the sensitivity after the treatment can be the filling material and the stimulation by these materials. The sensitivity can be due to their leakage. This sensitivity is of course temporary and will soon resolve. For example, silver presented in metal restorations and acid-induced sensitization used in tooth-colored fillings can temporarily increase the probability of tooth sensitivity after treatment. In metal restorations (amalgam) it is because of the conductive nature of the natural metal. The rate of response of this tooth to heat changes is higher than normal teeth. After a while, the pain and sensitivity may be less due to the reaction of the living tooth tissue. You can consult emergency dental clinic Toronto.


In the long term, filling defects, healing leaks, poor hygiene and restarting caries from the edges of the restoration can cause tooth sensitivity. In this case, emergency dentist by replacing the filling and inserting a new restoration may prevent your tooth from needing a root canal treatment, but you will need root canal treatment if the caries develops and the nerve gets involved.

Toothpaste does not prevent tooth erosion or sensitivity

Researchers at the University Of Bern, Switzerland, tested 9 types of toothpaste, none of which prevented enamel erosion. The prevalence of tooth erosion and sensitivity has led to an increasing number of toothpastes claiming to cure these problems. But according to research, proper diet and treatment by your emergency dental clinic is the key to protecting your teeth against caries and other injuries.

The researchers found that the cause of tooth sensitivity was enamel decay and dentine. Therefore, toothpastes that claim to treat sensitivity must prevent enamel erosion. For this reason, the researchers studied 9 different toothpaste types to find their effect on preserving enamel and preventing tooth decay. The experiment revealed that all the toothpastes tested corrode the surface of enamel; none of them protected the enamel against erosion.

Of course, these toothpastes are effective in maintaining dental health, but they are used as an adjunct and not a primary treatment. In fact, to prevent erosion and decay, there are three factors, including specialized dental treatments in an emergency dental care clinic Toronto, proper toothpaste, and lifestyle changes, especially diet.

